Codex Runicus — An edition and analysis

Presentation by Paola Peratello, Ph.D. candidate in Germanic and Digital Philology, Università di Verona
Codex Runicus (Copenhagen, The Arnamagnæan Collection, AM 28 8vo) from ca. 1300 is one of the most famous medieval Danish manuscripts and, at the same time, also one of the most unusual: it is entirely written in medieval runes. It has interested scholars and librarians over the centuries, right up to the digital turn.
Paola Paratello's Ph.D. research presents AM 28 8vo as it has never seen before: in an interoperable digital edition that includes information missing in previous editions, such as runic characters, lemmatisation and linking to the online dictionary Gammeldansk Ordbog.
In her talk Paola will present results from her Ph.D. research, including codicological studies of Codex Runicus and the challenges of producing a digital edition of a text entirely written in runes.
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